Arlington Baptist is an exciting and growing church with a love for people that flows from our love for God. When you arrive, you will be greeted by people who are warm and genuinely want to get to know you. If you’re looking for a relevant message from a timeless book, then you will enjoy Arlington Baptist! We have clear Bible preaching, a warm friendly atmosphere, a vision for the future, and a passion for knowing God.

I hope you’ll join us this Sunday. You, too, may find that Arlington Baptist is your “place to call home!”

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"I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD." (Psalm 122:1) While we rejoice when you choose to join us in person, we understand that some factors such as distance, injury, or illness might prevent you from being on location. TBC streams and records the majority of our services, so you can be encouraged by God's Word regardless of where you are.