Online Bulletin image
  1. There will be a Baby Shower for Jessica Caviness after the morning service. Please see Allison Thompson for details.
  2. Pastor Kevin Hymer will be preaching this evening. Pastor Hymer was a key “behind-the-scenes” part of our merger. He is the pastor of Regency Baptist Church here in Arlington.
  3. Vision Sunday will be on February 9. Please be in prayer as we prepare for this special service, where we will receive our spiritual emphasis for the year and a full calendar of events for 2025. We will also be announcing new banners and remodeling plans among other exciting plans.There will be a meal in the Family Life Center following the morning service.
  4. If you would like to be part of a team that provides meals to members in need, there is a sign up sheet in each lobby. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve and support one another in times of need. Thank you for your willingness to help!
  5. New church directories are available in print or as a pdf. Please see Julie Flanagan to request one.
  6. New Arlington Baptist Church pens, Connection Cards, and two-inch invite cards are available in the lobby.
Announcements image
Jessica McGowen (1/27)
Susie Long (1/28)
Allison Thompson (1/28)
Isaiah Thompson (2/1)

Tithes and Offering: $3,068
Missions: $410
Building Fund: $25

Tithes and Offering: $2,449
Missions: $55

Sunday School (1/26): Kelly & Stevi
 Sunday Morning (1/26): Laura & Ashley H
Sunday Evening (1/26): Becky & Isabel
Wednesday Evening (1/29): Sheila & Belle